Clinical Cross Appointment


An appointment given to a practicing MD in a clinical department who already holds a primary 'clinical' appointment in another clinical department. It is often given to allow appointees to participate in the teaching activities of the academic department.

Note: Clinical cross-appointments do not hold appointment categories such as full-time, part-time or adjunct. They are all simply called "clinical cross-appointments."

Duration / Review Period: 

1 year renewable appointments


Appointments in this category require the approval of the appointee's primary Department Chair and the Chair of the cross-appointing department. This is followed by a document review by the Human Resources department.

Available Rank:

Assistant Professor
Associate Professor

Required Documents:

Document Type Agent Responsible for Supplying When Required
Application Form (online) Candidate on application
Curriculum Vitae Candidate on application
Letters from each of the Department Chairs or one letter co-signed by both Chairs. Department Chairs prior to approval by HR
Academic Position Description (required for part-time or full-time clinical faculty, and optional for adjunct clinical faculty). Must be signed by each of the Department Chairs and include duties for each department. Departmental Appointments Committee (DAC) prior to approval by HR
Draft Letter of Offer DAC Administrator prior to approval by HR
Signed Letter of Offer Candidate after receiving Letter of Offer


*DAC = Departmental Appointments Committee
*SC = Search Committee
*HR = Human Resources
*FAAC = Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee