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University Appointments
Appointment Categories Governed by University Academic Policies and Guidelines
Status Only (at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor)
To be eligible for a status-only appointment, the individual must hold full-time employment arrangements with another institution and have a job description that is primarily academic (research and teaching) in nature. Most often, status-only appointments are granted to employees of affiliated hospitals or research institutions, or faculty at other universities. Status-only appointments are non-salaried and generally receive no remuneration from the University of Toronto.
Status Only Appointments (at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor)
Status Only (at the level of Instructor or Lecturer)
Some departments within the Faculty of Medicine (for example, Rehabilitation Sciences, Psychiatry, Molecular Genetics) offer status-only appointments at the level of Instructor or Lecturer. Such appointments are made to individuals who generally have not completed their PhD but have the necessary academic background to participate in a department's teaching or occasionally research activities. To be eligible for a status-only appointment, the individual must hold full-time employment arrangements with another institution and have a job description that is primarily academic (research and teaching) in nature with another institution or in another department of the University. Persons appointed at the rank of Instructor or Lecturer cannot be considered for promotion.
Adjunct Faculty
To be eligible for an adjunct appointment, the individual must hold employment with another institution and possess specialized expertise or learning that is of value to the department. The job description at the other institution is primarily non-academic in nature. For example, a candidate might be an employee in industry or government or a professional who has specialized qualifications for teaching purposes. This category includes, among others, individuals in the Rehabilitation Sciences who are employed in private clinics. Adjunct appointments do not normally involve rank. Depending on background and qualifications, individuals are appointed either as Adjunct Lecturer or Adjunct Professor.
Faculty from other universities and research institutes who hold continuing appointments in their home institutions may be appointed to a unit as a Visiting Professor.
Tenure / Tenure Stream*
These are full-time, faculty appointments in academic departments for persons involved in research, scholarship, teaching and service, who are either tenured at the time of appointment or are appointed with the intent to go through the tenure process. The terms and conditions of these appointments are covered by the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments.
Please note that the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and the Department of Surgery, Division of Anatomy, are the only clinical departments that offer tenure stream appointments in the Faculty of Medicine.
Contractually Limited Term Appointments (CLTAs)*
CLTAs are usually offered when a full-time faculty member is on leave or a tenure-stream or tenured position has become vacant and not yet filled. They are also offered when funding is term limited or when funding comes from external sources. Faculty appointed into CLTA positions are involved in research, scholarship, teaching and service. The terms and conditions of these appointments are covered by the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments.
Teaching Stream*
A teaching stream appointment is a full-time appointment, defined as exceeding 75% FTE. The regular duties of a Teaching Stream appointment consist of teaching students in degree programs, and other professional and administrative duties related to teaching. Teaching Stream appointees may also be responsible for curriculum design. The terms and conditions of these appointments are covered by the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments.
A part-time appointment is one that does not exceed 75% of full-time employment. A part-time appointment may be made at any academic rank. The regular duties of a part-time appointment consist of teaching students in degree programs, administrative duties related to teaching, and other professional or research activities. Initial appointments must be a minimum of one year in duration. The terms and conditions of these appointments are covered by the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-time Faculty.
* Applications for Tenure Stream, CLTA, and Teaching Stream Appointments are accepted on-line via UTORecruit. Postings for these positions can be found on the Human Resources and Equity website of the University of Toronto.