Change in Hospital Appointment

Hospital Appointment Category and/or Hospital/Clinic Site of a Clinical Faculty Member


It is necessary to document a change in a faculty member’s hospital/clinic affiliation and/or hospital appointment category to:

  1. Ensure that the new hospital status aligns appropriately with the current category of clinical academic appointment
  2. Ensure that a new academic position description is created
  3. Ensure that the University’s records are accurate


Change in Hospital/Clinic Site

Clinical faculty members who change their hospital/clinic site and continue to meet the eligibility criteria for their current University appointment category and academic position description must have their Hospital Departmental Physician-in-Chief complete a letter confirming the change in hospital appointment for submission to the University Department Chair using the online application form.

Clinical faculty members who no longer meet the eligibility criteria for their current University appointment category (as outlined under the section “Clinical Academic Appointment Categories” in the 2013 Procedures Manual for Policy for Clinical Faculty), but continue to contribute academically, must complete a new University appointment application for the appropriate University appointment category.

Change in Hospital Appointment Category

Clinical faculty members who change their Hospital appointment category, but remain in the same Hospital/Clinic must have their Hospital Departmental Physician-in-Chief complete a letter confirming the change in hospital appointment using the online application form.

Clinical faculty members who no longer hold a hospital appointment nor are engaged in academic activity for the University, should contact their University clinical department.


DAC – HR Review - Vice Dean or Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs

Required Documents:

Document Type Agent Responsible for Supplying When Required
Application Form (online) Clinical Faculty Member or Hospital Contact on application
Letter of Confirmation Hospital Departmental Physician-in-Chief on application
Updated CV Clinical Faculty Member or Hospital Contact on application
Academic Position Description* Hospital Departmental Physician-in-Chief or U of T Departmental Chair* on application
Letter of support from UofT Departmental Chair U of T Departmental Appointments Administrator after approved by DAC

*required for ALL clinical faculty, whether they are adjunct, part-time or full-time (new requirement as of January 1, 2023)

Template PIC letter confirming change in hospital appt status

*DAC = Departmental Appointments Committee
*HR = Human Resources